June 2, 2000
War Next Door, The
Speculative Airdates

We finally have some tentative airdates on this one. USA Network doesn't have K3 (Kill, Kill, Kill) on their schedule yet, but Web Warrior Bob did a day by day scouring for possible airdates (poor guy!) and this is what he found:
Wednesday, July 26th, 9-10pm----"Original Hour #1"
Wednesday, July 26th, 10-11pm---"Original Hour #2"
Friday, July 28th, 11:30-12M----"Original TBA"
Saturday, July 29th, 5-6pm------"Original TBA"
Saturday, July 29th, 11:30-12M--"Original TBA"
Now these "Original Hours" and "Original TBAs" don't necessarily mean that K3 will definitely air during that time, however it gives us a reason to believe.