The Linden Ashby Worshiping Page

For Sixteen Years, the First Resource for Everything Linden.

(And we've only lost our minds twice)

Tiny Little Disclaimer

"The Linden Ashby Worshiping Page" was created to provide information on Linden Ashby. The use of the words "worshiping" and "church" does not condone the worshiping of a celebrity or anything else that falls under the category of stalking. This is not an official site and should not be taken as such. The information that is published here has been collected through various sources and like anything on the Internet, should not be taken "as-is." I, the owner, am not Mr. Ashby and he cannot be contacted through my email address. If you wish to contact him, please use the following address:

Linden Ashby
c/o Metropolitan Talent Agency
4526 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90010

If you would like an autographed picture, please write to the above address. Be sure to include a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) large enough for a picture.